
Your Student Portal

A tip from Mrs. H

One of the first emails you received from Idaho Digital Learning was a link to set up your Student Portal site on The portal set up had you pick out your Idaho Digital Learning username and password and then it launched you into your own student portal. You will need to remember your username and password to unlock your classes in your Portal, so don't forget them. This is also a place you'll want to save or bookmark so you can get back to your class easily: This portal will be how you will access all of your Idaho Digital Learning classes from now on.

Your portal is made up of Tiles, each of which represents a class or something else you have access to at Idaho Digital Learning. Mrs. H will explain more about the tiles on your portal.

Now here's Mrs. H to show what you need to know about your Idaho Digital Learning Student Portal. Just a heads-up - your video will open in a new window (you can hear about this by listening to "A tip from Mrs. H" at the right).

Episode 3: Student Portals

Student Portal Video

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