Getting it Done
Now that you're a pro at moving around Blackboard and your computer is set up, what's next? It's time to talk about your assignments and tests. Online classes might be different in some ways, but all classes have assignments. This lesson will show you how to complete assignments and tests and submit them to your teacher.
Lesson Objectives
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to
- complete a quiz with true/false, multiple choice and short answer questions.
- recognize the different tools available for formatting text and submitting media in your assignments.
- submit an assignment with a file attachment.
Key Terms
- Content Editor: allows you to enter and format text and equations in your assignments.
- Feedback: another word for feedback is comments. You can check if your teacher has left you feedback when you check your grade for an assignment.
- Submit: to turn in. In a Blackboard course (including the one you're taking right now), you need to click a button marked "Submit" to turn in your work so that your teacher can see it.
- Upload: process of sending files from your computer to a remote system.
Have you checked for "next page" below? Make sure you review all of the pages in this lesson. Just a heads-up - there are 6 pages in this lesson.