
Final Exams & Extensions

Wait, what? There's a Final Exam in my online class? Let's see what Mrs. H has to say on this topic:

Final Exams and Extensions video

So, as Mrs. H explained, you are required to take a proctored Final Exam in order to pass your class. This means that you cannot take your Final Exam at home or whenever you want to, but will need to make arrangements for a date, time, and place to take your Final Exam with the Idaho Digital Learning Site Coordinator at your school.

For more about Final Exam policies, you can read the Idaho Digital Learning Final Exam Policy. This document can also be found on the Idaho Digital Learning website under the Students/Parents tab, on the Resources & Manuals page.


In the video, Mrs. H talked a little bit about extensions in the rare case that you might need a little more time to finish up your course or take the Final Exam. This may or may not be allowed depending on your school policies and your progress in the course. If you need an extension, talk to the Site Coordinator at your school to see what the rules are, and then follow up with your teacher to request an extension if it's allowed. 

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