Bold, Italic, and Other Special Formatting Tags

When you're writing a paper for class or even an email to a friend, you probably use bold or italic text to emphasize certain words. Using special formatting like bold and italic draws your reader's attention to those important words. You see this on lots of websites, too. In fact, those types of formatting are used in this web page to draw your attention to Key Terms, Essential Questions, and other text that you need to notice!

In HTML, the <strong> tag is used to make text bold and the <em> tag is used to emphasize text with italics. Take a look at this example:

HTML code using the strong and em tags and the resutls

The paragraph tags (<p>  </p>) determine the layout of the text on the page. The strong (<strong> </strong>) and emphasis (<em> </em>) tags format the text within those paragraphs. It's good coding practice to start and end formatting tags within the layout tags.