Spanish 1A: Unit 2 Vocabulary and Key Concepts

*Click the play icons * to hear the words and phrases in each section.

*Click on the links to view lesson summaries and/or verbs conjugations.


  Cortesía - Courtesy

  • con mucho gusto - with much pleasure (it's my pleasure)
  • con permiso - with permission (excuse me)
    [such as when you are squeezing past someone]
  • de nada - It's nothing (you're welcome)
  • (muchas) gracias - thank you (very much)
  • lo siento - I'm sorry
  • perdón - pardon (excuse me)
  • por favor - please


 Gente - People

  • señor (Sr.) - Mr.
  • señora (Sra.) - Mrs.
  • señorita (Srta.) - Miss
  • usted (Ud.) - you (singular formal)
  • ustedes (Uds.) - you (plural formal)
  • vosotros - you (plural informal masculine)
    vosotras - you (plural informal feminine)  
    [these are used only in Spain]

 Saludos y despedidas - Greetings & farewells

  • Buenas noches - Good evening
  • Buenas tardes - Good afternoon
  • Buenos días - Good morning
  • Hasta mañana - Until tomorrow (See you tomorrow)
  • Hasta pronto - Until soon (See you soon)

 Adverbios - Adverbs

  • bien - well
  • mal - badly/poorly (not well)
  • muy - very
  • pronto - soon
  • regular - okay

 Verbos - Verbs

  • es (el, ella) - he/she/it   is
  • son (Uds., ellos, ellas) - you all are / they are
  • estoy (yo)- I am [used to express feelings or states of being]
  • estás () - you are (informal)
  • está (el, ella) - he/she/it   is
  • está (Ud.)   - you are (formal)
  • están (Uds., ellos, ellas) - you all are / they are

  La hora - The time

  • la mañana - morning
  • la tarde - afternoon
  • la noche - night
  • de la mañana - in the morning
  • de la tarde - in the afternoon
  • de la noche - in the evening
  • medianoche - it's midnight
  • mediodía - it's noon
  • la hora - the hour / the time
  • menos - less / minus
  • y - and
  • cuarto - quarter
  • media - half

Greetings/Farewells with Formal/Informal Address   *See Textbook Lesson(s) on Pages 18 and 22


  • Hola, ¿Cómo estás ()? - Hi, how are you? (informal)
  • Estoy muy bien - I'm very well (I'm doing very well)
  • ¿Cómo estáis (vosotros)? - How are you-all? (informal)
  • ¿Qué tal? - What's up? (informal)
  • Buenos días, ¿Cómo está usted? - Good morning, how are you? (formal)
  • Estoy mal. - I'm doing badly.
  • ¿Cómo están ustedes? - How are you-all? (formal)


Numbers 21-100   *See Textbook Lesson(s) on Page 24




Numbers 20-100


Telling Time  *See Textbook Lesson(s) on Pages 24 and 28


  • ¿Qué hora es? - What time is it?
  • Es la una de la mañana - it's 1 o'clock in the morning (A.M.)

[Use "es la" with 1 o'clock]

  • Es mediodía - It's midday (noon)
    [Use "es" with midnight and noon]
  • Son las dos de la tarde - it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon (P.M.)

[Use "son las" with 2-12 o'clock]

  • Son las tres menos cuarto. - It's a quarter to three. (It's 2:45.)
  • Son las dos y cuarto. - It's a quarter after two. (It's 2:15.)
  • Son las dos y media. - It's half past two. (It's 2:30.)

[Add the minutes in the first half hour (minutes 1-30) to the hour. Subtract the last 29 minutes of the hour from the next hour]


Vocabulary and Key Concepts from Previous Units